Wednesday 17 February 2021

Hi again, its been a long time!

 Hi everyone, A Great 2021!

As we can see a lot has been happening in our current world! We're still in our Counseling trajectory! We have a lot uncovered about my personal background. On matters such as my Genetic Parents etc. Also on matters on some of the jobs / offices I [Robert and my other alter parts were used in] during my life time, till at least 2013. 


This is currently us, 

 We had moved house, since our last edition of our blog. We intend to write more again in the future! On a number of topics, some we had direct information on, seen how I and my parts were used in, by the Global Cabal/The Brotherhood/ Illuminati 'de Rothschild' faction! One of the jobs I as Robert was used in, was related with what is known as PI-40, among the various names, no doubt by now 2021, it goes by different name and set of numbers.
We can see now clearly crystalize a picture, that was always planned from the start. The future New World Order, is a form of soviet Style Communism, but now added with high technologies, as well, included the Internet, what makes it easier to brainwash the young people, in what we see and experience now, see the attempted Cancel Culture, they try to rain upon the heads of the hard working ordinary citizens. Starting with deep brainwash of the youth. In the UK they now also have created a new Law under guise of Covid19/CCP Virus, that kids can legally spy on their parents, for the Government. This is straight out of the book of George Orwell's vision of 1984.  
    Also now under guise of Covid19/CCP fake Virus, they now try to curb the travel and flying of People, by force them if they can like Covid19 Passport, whats ludicrous to say the least. 
Have all a great and safe week.