Friday, 27 August 2021

New Memory of an Alter, that was used in a Meeting At The Tavistock Institute, London September 1995.

Hello everyone, I am Esme, i an one of the Alters of Robert who is our core. The following comes from now recovered memory fragments.  
    The following comes from a new memory by an Alter, an female Alter with name Adria, that was created as a LBRD [Living Biological Recording Device].

Our core [Robert] was brought in September 1995, to London to the Tavistock Institute, to a meeting of sorts, with a number of different people [14, 8 males and 6 female] with Ph.D.'s were present [including a member of the Club of Rome], among them such as  an virologist They pulled out an alter [inside of Robert] to the front that would be present during the 9 hour meeting and record the whole meeting verbatim. She [the alter] was programmed as a [LBRD] Living Biological Recorder Device. PS. Robert was brought into the room after the participants introduction to each other by name.

 They talked about some 25 a 30 years into the future time-frame we create a few major pandemics to reset the world and it's economies [it was also stated that some vaccines will be soon available after the first pandemic], that's exactly what we see now happening around the globe, and what is stated in the 2010 report by the Rockefeller Foundation [see under section Lock downs pages 18 to 25, "See further the following link:"]. It also was stated that all Countries will be part of this, including the East i.e.., China among others.
    Their stated goals was not only the global reset [such as take private property out of the hand of the masses], but to change the Human 1.0 [there hatred model of God], into the glorified model of human 2.0 by their master Lucifer/Satan. So that humans can be hooked up on what they call the PSYCHIC INTERNET [this will work in a 2 way direction], as bonus it was said, it changes the human genome forever, that GOD wont see his followers as his!. [PS. See also further on some components, the following video by Doctor Carrie Madej [Ps. See update below].]
    They also stated that at same time we need to create various distractions [see for instance what we now see happening in Afghanistan is artificially created] around globe so that behind scenes the governments can create Emergency and more Draconian Laws, what would be sold it's good for your safety and for keeping Order, they stated the end-goal was more like a Marxist-Communist State System.
    Robert after the meeting was send to New York City, where he was brought to a certain location, with people such as David Rockefeller and others in the room, and some Professors of sorts, and some of the members of his Rockefeller Foundation were present. They pulled out the same Alter that Recorded Verbatim the meeting in the Tavistock Institute, London, England. She talked verbatim 9 hours long each word that was talked about in the meeting before. Out of this we now know came the 2010 The Rockefeller Foundation Report that talks about things such as Lock downs [see pages 18-25] etc. According to their Time-line from 1995 to present time means 25-30 years between 2020-2025. So more is in the pipeline, that will be part of the Global Economic Reset., Cov19 is only the start of this for events in between now 2021 and 2025/28. It was also mentioned in same meeting that other World Shattering Events were set in motion that the World at large will see and have to deal with, that will change society over night! What comes to mind is like September 9-11 2001, the Twin Towers Attack [and their Proxy Middle Eastern Partners!] the Al-Qaeda is part of the Global 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' Operation run by the Global Cabal!

    Robert was brought to another Meeting in September 1985 at the Tavistock Institute London, GB. What was about creating the whole SJW Movements, and Wokeness Agenda  on Universities first and later in school system and other parts of societies etc. Again in this meeting they used Adria as an LBRD, the alter mentioned in the above topic.  I think in part this was discussed in another blog.


PS. The current Covid19 Vaccinations that was created that's being spread around the globe now contains elements that will changes the human genome, from God's Human 1.0 design into Lucifer-Satan's Human 2.0 design. Also with this new design God wont see his beloved Children/followers as his own anymore, unless you know strong prayer warriors that can in prayer disable the functions of certain components such as 1.Darpa's hydrogel, various 2.Nanotech particles, 3.Spike Protein and 4.Luciferase. [PS. Maybe people that has Dan Duval's Prayer Books 1 and 3, can use The following section 1.Freedom From Synthetic Genetics 'From Book One' and 2.Heavenly Nanotechnology Prayer 'From Book Three'. Tweak them into maybe one big prayer or tweak them both as 2 Prayers, but now directed on Covid Vaxx and its particles such as 1.Darpa's Hydrogel, 2.Nanotech Particles, 3.Spike Protein, 4.Luciferase and 5.The Graphite Chip.] Part of the game is to hook humanity onto the Psychic Internet. This may look nice, as they will sell it like, you want to know a language, instead you have to put time and effort into, now you can just download it, and you know how to speak it, or you want to know a sport or another profession, you just download it, as that's how they will try to sell it to public. Also they will try to sell the health side that the upgrade can cure cancers and anything else, and you can live much longer. Geee, as CHRISTIANS, we must know we already have ETERNAL Life as YESHUA [Jesus Christ] shed his blood for us on the CROSS 2000 years ago. The components will work in a cumulative effect/way, and it will operate with a health app [anyone that took the vaxx, don't use under any circumstance the health app on your andorid/i-phone as it will activate components of your covid vaxx by intention.] that's being fully embedded in every cell phone/android/I-phone that's being created. Please for everyone that has a cell-phone/android and or I-phone, when having received the Cov Vaxx, don't under any circumstance activate the built-in Medical app, as it will activate components within the Darpa's Hydrogel. See also further the research by an Medical Doctor named Dr. Carrie Madej, she did some excellent exposure on Cov [see link here:]. [In case the link won't work, just copy the address, and than paste into a new window in your browser.]  Ps. There are some testimonies out there from Christians who took the vaxx, and they said they couldn't hear God anymore, look up those testimonies if they still around. I hope this explain some of it. Since Robert [our core] and some of us came out of the ILLUMINATI control [as being Bloodline Born], and found our way to freedom, in part through our Counselor/Coach Dan Duval and Bride Ministries we became Reborn Christians. Also they tied in Cov with the future Economic Reset, to answer an question we had?  

    The RESET is to make everyone that isn't part of their lLLUMINATI  Clique/Club poor again on a equal global level, so that they can take everything, and they will using for this the new Propaganda such as the Global Warming Hoax as a excuse. For taking for instance Private Property away, as well curbing [Depopulation Agenda] the global number of people on the Planet, with the excuse of Over-Population [See their own Bible The Georgia Guidestones in some 12 languages, written down their version of the [ten/twelve] Commandments under the future NWO, under their sovereign Master Lucifer and his marry band of Fallen Angels and Demon scum, and underneath that the global ELITES as their lackeys]. They will make The Gaia Worship the New Religion for the Masses. 

 But who sell their soul to them and their Masters [such as the fallen Angels, and Lucifer] will be rewarded with the luxury and Private Property, while the masses will be forced to live in MEGA Cities.  BTW we can see this agenda in it's various forms being splattered over the Cinema and TV and in Books. For people who can SEE,  HEAR and READ the SIGNS! Lucifer is allowed this by GOD, under condition he broadcast his intentions into the world, till the Return of the Rightful Son of GOD, YESHUA. See also further the Sermon series by Pastor Billy Crone called WITCHCRAFT and The RISE of WICCA, an eye opening Sermon series that has 20 episodes [],
PS. It seems clear to me that the Son of Perdition, who is now born in the West, will using the Eastern faction [the Romanoff] and System ie. The Ruthless Chinese System as they have no regard for human life at al. As its system seems to see itself like God Supreme. Not to mention i believe Lucifer seems to believe that the Western faction of what's been called like the Babylonian Brotherhood ie., Illuminati and its Global Cabal Network seems grown weak, with its Bloodline Born survivors that has run over to his it's eternal enemy of Yeshua, for instance like that of our core Robert, who was born in one of the Bloodline [Upper-class] families. Robert as a Bloodline Asset of them found its way to Freedom to Bride Ministries [] that work with SRA Survivors.
Lucifer seems to fear that more and more SRA-DID/MK-Ultra Monarch Survivors could find their road to freedom as Robert and others did out here. Our lives and our future mission is now in the hands of our Lord and Saviour Yeshua. Also the Son of Perdition may also fear that among Western Illuminati Families you may have hidden worshipers of Yeshua as like Robert's bio-mother. She told Robert 2 years before she died that in secret she liked Yeshua and Worshipped him, but had to hide it for family, as otherwise she could end up in a mental ward, as she saw happening with an aunt of hers when she was much younger. I believe this is by far an uncommon occurrence in a Bloodline Families in he West now more common.
    As Robert [our core] just explained to us. People don't realize that China since early and mid 60s started to spy meticulously on MK-Ultra victims as they started to realize some would be in the future the future Business, Political, Military, Media and Medical Leaders, and they followed them through their spy network, and documented everything they did on and off screen. So they know who are like Satanists and  Pedophiles etc. They certainly using their collected data as leverage, and that's why we don't see any Western Leaders till ages mid 50s report on China connection to Covid etc or even points out that China [Wuhan labs] is the 'Ground Zero' point of origin as we can see right now...  [Ps. See the Excellent new upcoming book by Journalist Sharri Markson What Really happened In Wuhan, 
Can someone tell me why we should listen to a International Organization such as the WHO [World Health Organization] that is totally compromised with their connection to China [one of it's biggest financial Sponsors,  Conflict of Interest, concerning Covid Virus] and Bill Gates [2nd biggest Contributor financially to the WHO with his Global Vaccine Agenda]. One is a Satanist [Bill Gates] and who is connected with the Global Pedophile Network through Epstein that Attend Global Rituals [with his buddy Dr. Fauci  with whom BG attended Rituals] and another Country, that not only created a Bioweapon and than unleash it, but extract on Living People's Organs for the Global Illegal Organ Trade. I now speak as a life-time SRA-DID/MK-Ultra Monarch Survivor who was brought to High-level Rituals by our handlers such as various members of de Rothschild's among others.
If they force humanity to wear a Vaccination card on you, I intend to create the following sticker that goes on the card, who ever ask for looking in the card, will be confronted with the next text below, so that they know how we feel of those fascist people. 
    Esme [and Co] xxx
PS. See new update here below:
The above was taken by laboratory that had asked Dr. Carrie Madej help to identify what they saw under the  Microscope. Can't help as a close friend of us by name Pam G pointed out that it looks like something from the Occult hit series Stranger things, see below:

This is taken borrowed from another close friend of us Lauren H
"Graphene and related materials have come to the forefront of research and development due to their unique electrical, thermal, or mechanical properties and wide application potentials. For large-scale graphene production, chemical oxidation of graphite to graphite oxide or graphene oxide (GO) followed by reducing GO to graphene using chemical, thermal, or electro-chemical methods has been widely studied1,2. GO not only is the important precursor for mass production of graphene-based materials2, it also draws extensive attention for its own potentials in many areas, including electronics and optoelectronics3, bio-nanotechnology4, renewable energy5, membrane research6 and environmental applications7. To date, GO is mainly synthesized by chemical oxidation based on either the Hummers, Brodie, or Staudenmaier methods2. All of these chemical methods use either concentrated acids, such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3), toxic reagents such as potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4), or even explosive potassium chlorate (KClO3) to oxidize graphite to GO, and the production procedure can be expensive, dangerous, and non-sustainable1. Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite to GO or graphene was recently performed in ionic liquids8,9,10, aqueous acids11,12,13 and inorganic salt solution14 under a 7−20 V voltage, and the products were reported with different levels of defect in the crystal lattice and oxygen-doping. It is possible that microorganisms can oxide dispersed graphite to graphite oxide nanosheets, but external carbon sources and oxygen were needed and the reaction rate was low15. Data from our preliminary studies suggests a new method for producing GO at relatively high rate through bio-electrochemical oxidization of graphite under ambient conditions."

People one advice become for the moment an detective and follow the moneystream from which the so called Organizations of FAKE fact-checkers that like FACE [FARCE] BOOK employ's, you will see that some of their money comes from people as GS [George Soros, who operate under orders of the de Rothschild Empire] and even BGF [Bill and 'Melinda' Gates Foundation] and a host of other shell companies. Covid has now become a money scheme for the demonic Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. Covid was created as a BIOLOGICAL TROJAN HORSE!
May I remind the reader that GOVERNMENT's in the WEST created LAWS that serve to shields the Pharmaceutical 'Companies'/Cartel[s] [that makes this poison]. The laws say that those companies don't have to declare 'the ingredients' to any medical MD., Doctors, Hospitals and the general public at large, and under those LAWS the public when getting ILL can't SUE the those Pharmaceutical Cartel COMPANIES!! But our core Robert has witnessed Members of the Medical Companies/Cartels at High-Level Rituals [with Baby-Child Blood Drinking events, Robert also witnessed that the participants were active in pulling out like the physical hearts of their Child Subjects, for the Monsters they're] till roughly 2015!
Enjoy and be Enriched..


Have all a great day, where ever you are, on this Beautiful Planet Earth.

Esme [and Co] xxx

Sunday, 27 June 2021

An Horrific MEMORY OF ROBERT [who is our core]:

 Hi everyone, I am Lauren, I am one of Robert [our core's] Protector Alters. Here below is a memory that had resurfaced.

One of our core's [Robert] nasty memories [1970s and 1980s] had resurfaced, as a child, he [Robert] was brought by his Mountbatten handlers twice a year to the Dutch Royals Child-hunting party's [1970s and 1980s] that they organized. The first time, Robert was brought to them he was about 8 years of age, that was in 1972 In southern Germany where they got a big swat of land. The Dutch Royal family had swat of land in southern Germany and parts of Belgium. Robert was brought to them as being Born high up in Upper-class Family as well. He was brought by his Mountbatten handlers as a possible reminder, if you don't do what we tell you, you could end up over there.  The children in memories were between 9 and 14, and or 16. The number of Children being unleashed for the hunt were around 5 of them, so well Girls and Boys. The Girls and Boys were undressed naked, except like sports shoes similar as low model all-stars. On those Hunting party's, there were about some 30 a 35 plus foreign guests and some of the Dutch, Belgium and German  Upper-class families. On one occasion Robert witnessed another girl who got married with one of the princes, one of the sons of former Queen Beatrice. Robert is still at times haunted by the screams of the child victims, when they are torn apart. Within the European Royal families, the Dutch Royals, has a  more and darker 'Occultic' Powers than for instance the British Royal family of the Windsors.... Those parties has at it's attendees, members of the European Royal Houses, the foreign guests can be between 25 to 50 guests.
    On different occasion Robert witnessed so well the 2 later wives of dutch Prince's of former Queen Beatrice, i think their names were Mabel and Laurentien, but both looked in a state of MK Ultra Mind Control. They were both teenagers as our core [Robert] when he witnessed them present at those Hunting Parties. I hope for their sake, that they don't have those horrific haunting Memories.... Seen the effect I notice they got on our core Robert...
    On another occasion, one of the younger generation of House of Habsburg, used a fire flaming arrow, what killed one if the hunted child victim going up in flames. while some of the crowd were cheering!
    The last time Robert [our core] was brought by his handlers, he was either 24 or 26 what should have been either 1988 and or 1990. The Dutch Royal family is a much darker and more Evil family than their British Cousins of the House of Windsors..


During those events, they made sure, it was our core 'Robert' that was out, and he couldn't switch back and forth between the different alter personalities. It was all part to traumatize and made him split even more... Robert also knew and was told that some of the participants were in daily lives such as M.D. Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologists, Police Officers, Police Commissioners Judges, and Lawyers/Barristers. He also was told he never could hide from them, wherever on Earth he ever would be.
    Robert saw children [Boys and Girls] for the hunt from whites with Blond, Brown and Red [Ginger] coloured hair. As he also saw children from other ethnicity, not only white [Caucasian] Children.  Robert as a empath, could sense the fear that the children had inside, even some where drugged up..  First time Robert was brought along was at age of 8.
    One time Robert [he was around 10] tried to help one of those children. He was badly punished by 6 grown adults, that kicked Robert for a extensive period of times that he ended up with broken bones and ribs as his punishment, by his approval of his handler. Lauren and Co xxx


To everyone, I ask to Pray for the Victims, and for Justice being done. As well that those hunting parties will be stopped. As Robert [our core] says, he don't know if under current Dutch King Willem, those Hunting Parties still continues... Also we have to keep in mind that when they were younger, they to operated under MK-Ultra Monarch as our core Robert did. Please keep our core Robert Under prayers for his healing and even more under God's Protection. Amen!  It's sad, that most of its 'Dutch' people are so ignorant about the true nature of the Dutch Royal family, and how much darker they are than their British Cousins... The Netherlands is a nice and beautiful country, very flat lol, but nice. Of course last time we were there is some 15yrs ago, so no doubt it also has changed a lot. The House of Orange has big parts of lands some 20 by 30 miles in various parts of southwest Germany, Belgium among other locals as well. This includes in different parts of Africa, where some of the Child hunting parties also took place and still taking place in our current time frame, where they do their Child Hunting Parties. Btw as our core 'Robert' says the death by HRH Johan Friso, wasn't accidental as he was planning to come out with certain devastating information. The more being shared, the better as we can increase the awareness on what level this Evil occurs beyond our Borders! Robert as a Child had spend extensive period of time, in Europe, seen his genetic connection to the House of Windsor and House of Mountbatten. his bio-mother was used as a incubator.. One of the things that Robert has been shown in Counseling by God and with clues of other Survivors, is that he belongs with others as part of a hidden offspring of a certain 'Bloodline' family line.


As Robert told us another consideration of those Hunting Parties and Rituals, is for the Bloodletting of the soil, that houses like those hidden lay lines of a Interdimensional Grid system around the globe. The more Rituals and killing, the easier those Gates can be opened from both sides, in both directions. They try to Corrupt what GOD the Father created for Good. But eventually they get whats coming during Judgment day, if they believe in it or not...


Sincerely Yours:

Lauren and Co xxx

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Current Events with Tic Tac UFOs/UAPs and also the so called BigFoot/Yeti Sightings, and What It Means?

Hi again,

It seems now with all the so called UFO/UAP activities and reporting's of this in the mainstream media, and the upcoming report that will be presented to the Congress and Senate, that they make it appear as a massive Disclosure, on Aliens/ETs/NTE's. As well in tandem we see the Disclosure of so called elusive Bigfoot's, Yeti's Sasquats etc.. A lot of them are from either like a adjacent dimension or even the Inner-Earth. When I [Robert] was used in the Montauk Project and Mk-Ultra Programming during my earlier childhood, at times i was used by the Rothschild's and even members of the Windsors/Mountbatten's. One such occasion I made a trip through a underground portal at a certain location. We entered into what is part of the Northern Territory of the Inner-Earth. We met with a Race of Giants of Nordic/Viking background, see my interview I did with Daniel Duval on this. An number of so called Inner-Earth[ers] Races, has 2 origins one is from the surface of the Earth, from a certain Earth Epoch, such as Atlantis, Lemuria and other time frames with great Civilizations, and secondly, they come as Visitors from Elsewhere and has made the Inner Earth their home, due to various circumstances and reasons.  
    The question now arises what it all means, now they come out with the UFO's/UAP's, I can tell you from my own experiences, when in the past till roughly 2011 when I was used by the Maji/PI-40 and or CotM, what i witnessed during various C&R operations, we won't see the result out of those operations what was uncovered in the new Report presented soon to the Pentagon.  When you are being used by secretive organizations like PI40, CotM it wont be in ways how a normal procedure works as when you get paid a salary in a company or even in the armed forces.. They don't pay a salary, but they take care of things in the background in your life.


Flurry of sightings reported now in the Mainstream Media??
Recent UFO's/UAP's Tic Tac Video Releases

60 Minutes on UFOs

Pentagon's Upcoming UFO Report, Expained

Navy Pilots describe Encounters with UFOs

UFOs Retired Navy Commander Describes His Sightings
in 2004 NBC

pop culture and ufos

Recent alledged Bigfoot, Yeti Sightings over the US:

I guess we have to see when the Report will be handed over to the Congressional Committee and Senate, what maybe will be in it. But personally to me it seems either part of a coverup, they now give us the so called UFO's/UAP's while they now coverup something much bigger! Or is a attempt to get public behind more funding of the current Space Force that was created by President  Donald J. Trump.


We see another thing as we saw in the past during the 1960's and 1970s,  when UFO's/UAP's were flying around our nuclear sites. What makes sense as we now turning to a possible New Cold War now with China. I don't belief that those UFOs/UAPs are of any of our Earthly Adversary forces on Earth. Also our Oceans around the globe has numerous undersea bases from a number of Alien/ET Races, that our Governments knows about! 

 Have all a nice day, and keep your phone camera's rolling!


Robert xx.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

The Culture Wars, are one of the latest Wars against Human Mind and Human Freedom!

For most adults, the Culture Wars, seems far from their reality, but as global Cabal, you want to win and steer the young generation away from what was before, than change what is Culture, such as in Films and TV, replace what's in it by your own demonic Intersexual Politics and the LGTBQP Alphabet Agenda in what we see now all around in the around us in Film Franchises, most now owned by Disney. 
    Also in the current school system children are being brainwashed to spy on their parents, during the Covid19/China Virus and lock downs is a prime example on this. As well after the whole episode of Covid/China Virus. But this will go further in the future. In the UK during the lock downs the parliament created a law to make it legal and protect Children and others if they spy for instance on their parents and caretakers. Not to mention they call for people to call to local police, if people broke the quarantine rules. This is all part of the George Orwell's 1984 Big Brother Rule Book! When people started to catch up on the real turn of Big Brother, the Global Cabal gave 2 Dutch producers an order to create a program to divert the public's attention to the real meaning, and that's how the TV Program Big Brother was developed from 1996/7.
    The New Culture Wars we now seeing is tightly orchestrated by the Global Elites, through Think-Tanks such as The Tavistock Institute and its peers around the Globe.
    This is most ridiculous hit piece against the non-liberals, to make them sounds like White Supremacy!
[The following link is of a site that's used as a attack against any non-liberal/woke peoples.]
     The Cancel Culture, even has labelled some black people as White Supremacists!
The point is just, that the sequel to Star Wars [by Disney], is so much of a lesser quality in story telling than the original [by George Lucas]l. Than we also have the underlying Inter-Sexual Politics, and LGTBQ Alphabet agenda, that's steeped through it.
     The Cancel Culture and WOKE SJW Movement came out of the hat of the Tavistock Institute in London, in June 1985. I as Robert was brought by my de Rothschild UK Handler to the London Tavistock Institute, where a meeting took place, they used an Alter inside of me, that was programmed as a Verbatim Recorder,, who was later send back to the US, where this female Alter verbatim told what was discussed at the Tavistock Institute Meeting in June 1985. The Topic was the Creation of the future SJW [Social Justice Warrior] Movement, and Woke Movement through the Children, as End-game to bring about a Society based on Socialism and Marxism.
    It was said that first in the mid 1990s they plant it on 2 Universities in the UK [Cambridge & Oxford] and 4 Universities in the USA [Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Standford], the early seeds of the SJW Movement. After this bring it out further on other Universities, and in the first decade of the 21st Century also supplant the SJW Teachings on the other school systems. 
    We also see another Concept partly created with the Woke Agenda is The Virtue Siganlling is another concept that came out of the Tavistock Institute as part of the Mind Wars, that's being played out throughout Western Society, blm and antifa are part of this! The End game is create a Socialist/Marxist Society!   P. This may could be updated in a later time!

Monday, 1 March 2021

What's Been Happening with Our Current World, A Short Post

How did we get to our current situation, with a GENERATION of YOUNG PEOPLE born under being raised with THE SIMPSONS AND SOUTH PARK, and now acts of being offended by EVERYTHING! Or LOOKING for THINGS to be offended by. So that this generation, can play the VICTIM ROLE/CARD, and they can go after everything to destroy them, so that they can make themselves feeling good! This CANCEL CULTURE is so STUPID and BACK-WATERED, those people has been digressing [devolution], instead of evolving! See how they have gone after things as the books of Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato-head and The Muppet shows to name a few, over the last 7 a 9 days! Companies that surrender to this CANCEL MOB as the saying goes Go WOKE, Go BROKE! It seems that the Generation that grew up with The Simpsons and South park has be-come sissies! I don't give a F.. if some people get offended by this! One good thing of the WOKE LEFTIES, is that they will go eventually after each other like a Ouroboros, going after their own tail!
    It's about how they try to change the narrative, that White man is bad and Black man is good etc, and that Heterosexuality is Bad, and being LGTBQP is Good! Those morons don't realize that they're being used to erase everything that makes our western society over the last 200 to 400 plus years so great!
    The GENDER and INTERSEXUAL POLITICS that's being employed now, is a tool used by the enemy, LUCIFER and his minions from his DEMONIC REALMS such as that of the FALLEN Angels, DEAMONS etc. By downloading the VILE DATA at night into the BRAINS of the WOKE, CANCEL CULTURE SJW Movement Crap that they INTERJECTING into our World and polluting the AIRWAVES with!

Than we also dealing with the stupid Pronounce and gender issue.
    As Robert I have due to my SRA [Satanic Ritual Abuse]/Mk-Ultra Programming beyond the Polyfragmented D.I.D. My alters depending on genders they were given, still see that the outside of the body is male. So when in public and we need a rest room, we only uses the male as that's what our biological gender is on the outside. This gender issue with the deranged Twitter SJW Mob and their pronounce issue is being fooled as a ploy by Lucifer, to screw up a whole new generation, as we see being played out currently. It's so sad how they seems to fall for this.
Robert xx

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Hi again, its been a long time!

 Hi everyone, A Great 2021!

As we can see a lot has been happening in our current world! We're still in our Counseling trajectory! We have a lot uncovered about my personal background. On matters such as my Genetic Parents etc. Also on matters on some of the jobs / offices I [Robert and my other alter parts were used in] during my life time, till at least 2013. 


This is currently us, 

 We had moved house, since our last edition of our blog. We intend to write more again in the future! On a number of topics, some we had direct information on, seen how I and my parts were used in, by the Global Cabal/The Brotherhood/ Illuminati 'de Rothschild' faction! One of the jobs I as Robert was used in, was related with what is known as PI-40, among the various names, no doubt by now 2021, it goes by different name and set of numbers.
We can see now clearly crystalize a picture, that was always planned from the start. The future New World Order, is a form of soviet Style Communism, but now added with high technologies, as well, included the Internet, what makes it easier to brainwash the young people, in what we see and experience now, see the attempted Cancel Culture, they try to rain upon the heads of the hard working ordinary citizens. Starting with deep brainwash of the youth. In the UK they now also have created a new Law under guise of Covid19/CCP Virus, that kids can legally spy on their parents, for the Government. This is straight out of the book of George Orwell's vision of 1984.  
    Also now under guise of Covid19/CCP fake Virus, they now try to curb the travel and flying of People, by force them if they can like Covid19 Passport, whats ludicrous to say the least. 
Have all a great and safe week.